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Solution No.1
Grasp 5 easy techniques of Crude oil trading and start your regular income! Common questions regarding the training ...
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What is Crude oil?
- Crude oil is a liquid fuel source located underground. It is extracted through drilling. Oil is used for transportation, petroleum products, and plastics.
Why to trade in Crude oil?
- Due to its uses, its highly demanding and most volatile market therefore we can trade in Crudeoil to get more and more profit.
How much investment is needed in Crudeoil trading?
- Investment is depend upon the margin which your broker gives but in general for Crude oil Intraday trading min 10,000-20,000 is required.
I am totally new, Can I do trading?
- Yes, anyone who know how to operate computer and interest in reading and studying can learn and do Crude oil trading.
How will you take sessions?
- Sessions will be online and offline also.
What is the duration of the sessions?
- If you take offline sessions then it will be fulltime 2 days or else for online sessions, it would be daily 2 hrs for 5 days.
What you will learn in Crude oil knowledge sharing sessions?
Summary about Crude oil Training is as follows:
Fundamental Training:
1) Why to do Crude oil Trading?
2) Information about Commodity market.
3) Types of commodities.
4) Main commodity exchanges in the world.
5) Types of Crude oil Trading.
6) How much investment should do in Crude oil trading?
7) Which are the platform of Crude oil trading?
Technical Training:
8) Zero loss 5 strategies in Crude oil trading.
Psychological Training:
Counselling and other related information regarding Crude oil trading..
a) How to do manage your monthly expenses by doing Crude oil trading?
b) How to maintain your psychology of trading?
c) 24 Golden rules of Crude oil trading.
d) Precautions while trading in Crude oil.
e) Questions and answers.
Will I get support after the sessions?
- Yes definitely! After the sessions, you will get all support through Whatsapp, Facebook, Telegram group. You can share your observations and study in those groups for any trading related help..
In which language training will be taken?
- Training can be done in Marathi, Hindi as well as in English language..
Will I get notes after the sessions?
- For online training, you will get daily video and notes in PDF format.
Which things are required for Crude oil trading?
- For the Trading, Computer/Laptop or android mobile and internet connection is required..
How many people can attend the training?
- In offline training, only one person can attend training but while doing online training, whole family can attend the meeting..
What is the contribution amount for the sessions?
How sessions are based on No Profit – No Loss strategy?
Educational purpose Tradig Software worth Rs. 24,000/- is FREE with Training! |
Solution No. 2
Those who dont want to attend our sessions, can buy our "GoldeCrude Astrobase software" for Education purpose and start regular income... What are the features of Astro base Software?
Software purchasing packages are as below:
- Manual Software - Rs. 2000 Per Month
- For Manual - Rs. 10,000 (Advance) Rs. 1,000 Per Month upto 12 month.
- For Manual - Rs. 20,000 for a year (Lumsum)